As one of the most romantic holiday's, where I am sure at least one man will get down on one knee and ask that one question every girl dreams of 'Will You Marry Me?' I thought Valentine's Day would be a good day to start this off.
So, to keep in the Valentine's Day, romantic spirit, I thought I would start at the beginning. The day where all of the dress shopping, planning, and of course showing off the new addition to your left hand begins. The day he proposes.
Below are some of those stories...
Nicole and Aaron. Santa Monica, CA

Nicole and Aaron had planned on going up to the vineyards in Santa Ynez for Halloween. The night before Halloween Nicole and Aaron had a crazy costume party which didn't come to an end till about 4 AM. Naturally, Nicole thought the plans for the vineyard were off, but Aaron insisted. After making him drive, and sleeping the whole way, Nicole woke up to her favorite vineyard. The day started with wine tasting like they usually do, then on to a picnic, which Nicole described as a perfect day. They then snuck into the actual vineyard where they walked around and took pictures. As Nicole walked ahead of Aaron, she then asked him "Aren't these leaves pretty in the sun?" To which he responded with "Do you know what else looks pretty in the sun?" Nicole then turned around to see Aaron down on one knee holding what would then be her engagement ring! Aaron simply asked the question, "Will you marry me?" After screaming, and jumping up and down, Nicole said yes and he finally got to slip the ring on her finger, and she realized what was happening!
Congratulations to the future Mr and Mrs McDonald!
Tammy and Scott. Warwick, RI

Tammy and Scott had been dating since she was a freshman and he was a senior in college ('99). They had been living together in a one bedroom apartment right after her sophomore year. At the end of her junior year, on the last day of finals, Tammy got home and went to start dinner. It was their weekly taco night! Tammy was in sweats and was drained because she had been studying all week, not to mention it was rainy out. Instead of starting their weekly dinner routine, she came home to find a dozen roses, chocolates, and a beautiful new dress laying on their perfectly made bed. Tammy, confused asked what this was all about? Scott then told her that he was proud of her for finishing her junior year successfully, and he wanted to take her to dinner to celebrate! Tammy quickly got ready and put on her new gorgeous dress. They then headed out to Tammy's favorite restaurant. They had a wonderful (as expected) dinner and everything was great! After dinner, dessert was next to come! Tammy loves creme brulee and that's exactly what came to the table! Scott who knew what he was about to do had the biggest grin on his face! Tammy then said, "calm down, I know it's good, but it's only dessert!" Little did she know there was an exquisite engagement ring placed right next to the dessert that she didn't see. The waiter placed it in front of her and Scott got down on his knee and proposed. The whole restaurant cheered.
Tammy and Scott have been happily married for almost 8 years now and have a beautiful 1 year old Sophie, that only brings more love into their house every waking moment.

Briana and Chris. Cranston, RI
It was the day before New Years Eve, and Briana had been working all day. She had talked to Chris on the phone earlier in the day and he had been very short with her, so Briana was upset on her drive back home. When Briana walked in the door, Chris was no where to be found. She then found him in their bedroom under the covers "sleeping." Becoming more upset, thinking he had been sleeping all day Briana shook him to wake him up. As soon as she "woke him up" Chris jumped out of bed and got on one knee and proposed! Briana was completely surprised, and describes it as "the most random and exciting moment of her life." They both cried and hugged for over an hour! Briana loved that he proposed at home and the special moment was shared simply between the two of them!
Congratulations to the future Mr and Mrs Forlasto and baby to be :)
Marie and Patrick. Warwick, RI
Simple, and to the point. When Patrick decided to propose to Marie, he simply took her out to a romantic dinner with Marie not expecting anything! After dinner, Patrick took Marie to the spot where they shared their first kiss, which happened to be on Mother's Day. After proposing at a very thought felt location the newly engaged spent a romantic night at the Hilton hotel in Providence, Rhode Island.
Marie and Patrick are now happily married and have a beautiful baby girl, Elisabeth!
Tina and Rob. Cranston, RI
Told in her own words....
"I always knew that when Rob proposed to me that it wouldn't be a big and over the top thing. I would always say " he will just do it at home and hand the ring over to me and tell me I know what the question is." Well my day finally came on September 28, 2010. It was an ordinary Tuesday like any other day. Rob was acting a little off that day though. He was out running lots of "errands" and then had to work that night, so I didn't really talk to him all day. I was just sitting at home watching TV in my jammies when Rob got home from work around 11pm. He went into the bathroom and changed out of his work clothes into a pair of PJ pants. Then he went into the kitchen and asked if I wanted anything. I was so into my TV show that I just said no. He came around the conner from the kitchen and was just standing by the side of my chair. I didn't really pay attention to what was going on, but he didn't keep walking or say anything, so I looked over and he was standing there in his green PJ pants holding a little black box. The first thing that came out of my mouth was "You are an a**hole!" He got down on one knee and opened the box and started with his cute little speech. I was in such shock that I kept asking "Is this real, is this seriously real?" I didn't start crying like I always thought I would, but I did sweat a ton from being so worked up and nervous and I actually never said yes (so I made him ask me to marry him again). It was only a Tuesday night at home, but it will be a Tuesday that I will never forget"
Tina and Rob are getting married this April, and are also now expecting a baby! Congratulations!
So, there you are all of my romantics! Stay tuned for more posts, and of course if someone happened to get on one knee for you today, Congratulations and please share your story!